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Family at the Park

Should I home educate
my children?

You will have to give it some thought and decide for yourself whether to home educate your child or not. No one will be able to make that decision for you, but we can talk about our experiences and you can decide if it is right for you.


It is a lifestyle choice in the same way that being vegan is..

Do your research and find out if it would work for you and your family.  Do not feel pressured or like a failure if it does not work out.


On this site you will find lots of information on home educating, which I hope will be useful in helping you to decide. Why not take the quiz to help pinpoint some of the questions that you may have.

— Name, Title

Family at the Park

It is up
to you!

The benefits of home school:



More time with your children


A chance to create your own daily cycle

Tailored learning

One to one support

No more school runs

Support network

No levels i.e working above average etc

Plus so much more

Watch this video to see
some  reasons why you should Home Educate

Can I home educate
as a single parent?


Yes of course you can!

I did it so I approve this message lol! The things you need to think about are your finances and the support that you have when considering taking on this responsibility. However, this is not new for you; You are already raising a productive member of society, you already prepare and make all the meals, you pay all the bills, do all the laundry, help with the homework, decide on after school activities, do bath times and bedtimes and nurse them when sick. Everything falls on your shoulders and this will now include education but you know what – You Got This!

You were with your child all the time when you first had them, and you coped regardless. In the same way, you will survive this. There will be days that you will feel exhausted and maybe even lonely but the benefits surely out way the negatives.


Watch the short video that I created in 2014 to encourage other single parents.

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:12-13).

Family at the Park

Should I home educate
my children?

You will have to give it some thought and decide for yourself whether to home educate your child or not. No one will be able to make that decision for you, but we can talk about our experiences and you can decide if it is right for you.


It is a lifestyle choice in the same way that being vegan is..

Do your research and find out if it would work for you and your family.  Do not feel pressured or like a failure if it does not work out.


On this site you will find lots of information on home educating, which I hope will be useful in helping you to decide. Why not take the quiz to help pinpoint some of the questions that you may have.

— Name, Title

Family at the Park

It is up
to you!

The benefits of home school:



More time with your children


A chance to create your own daily cycle

Tailored learning

One to one support

No more school runs

Support network

No levels i.e working above average etc

Plus so much more
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