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What is the cost of homeschooling?

Although there will be no more school uniform, P.E Kits or dinner money fees, school trips, school shoes or Mufti day you may notice other costs such as an increase in things like:

Washing clothes (more electricity)
Washing dishes (more water use)

curriculum as your child gets older

Use of Electricity and /or gas

Exam fees
Giving up work
Activities and clubs

Do you have any scheduling tips?

How WE prepare
for a new term

Can I run my own homeschool group?

Handling Homeschool burnout

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:28–30).

Burnout happens to us all from time to time and if you have ever experienced it, you know it is not something you want to experience again. If you feel mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually its time to re-evaluate what you are doing. STOP! You are overdoing it and this is your bodies way of saying that it is diminishing. Your health is more important that everything else including homeschooling. In my podcast, we will be discussing issues like these but in the meantime...try these:


  • Pray... Maybe even fast!

  • Do less focused home schooling

  • Catch up on rest/sleep

  • Get your kids to help out more

  • Re-evaluate you finances

  • Deal with debt

  • Get a take away - for today at least!

  • Ask for help

  • Let it go... Whatever it is

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